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Report No.

Simulation on clustered DNA damage induction and repair

Saito, Kimiaki  ; Higuchi, Mariko; Watanabe, Ritsuko

DNA is considered as the most important target which initiates biological radiation effects, even now that non-targeted effects like bystander effects have been highlighted. We have utilized computational simulations for investigating the features of DNA damage induction and repair. Concerning DNA damage induction, a Monte Carlo code was developed to simulate sequential processes of energy depositions by radiations, productions and diffusions of radical species, and following DNA damage inductions. So far, the characteristics of DNA damage spectra for divers radiation including heavy charged particles have been clarified. Further, molecular dynamics simulation has been employed to examine the structural change of cluster-damaged DNA and its interaction with a repair enzyme. It is suggested the magnitude of structural change in DNA would be somewhat related to the difficulty of the repair. These results will be summarized in the paper.



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