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New estimate for the time-dependent thermal nucleosynthesis of $$^{180}$$Ta$$^{m}$$

Hayakawa, Takehito; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Chiba, Satoshi; Mathews, G. J.*

The nucleosynthesis of $$^{180}$$Ta has remained an unsolved problem. The supernova neutrino process has been proposed as the origin of $$^{180}$$Ta but its model calculation overproduces the $$^{180}$$Ta solar abundance. This may originate from the unique feature that the naturally occurring abundance of $$^{180}$$Ta is actually a meta-stable isomer, while the ground state is beta-unstable. We have made a new time-dependent calculation of the supernova production ratio of the long-livedisomer in $$^{180}$$Ta. Such a time-dependent solution is crucial for understanding the production and survival of this isotope. We find that the explicit time evolution of the synthesis of $$^{180}$$Ta using the available nuclear data shows $$^{180}$$Ta can be produced by neutrino process and neutrino temperature of 4 MeV.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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