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Development of separation technology of transuranium elements and fission products by using new extractants and adsorbents; Development of separation technology of Cs and Sr (Contract research)

Hoshi, Harutaka; Kikuchi, Takahiro; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji  ; Kimura, Takaumi 

We have studied selective separation of Cs and Sr, which are included in high level liquid waste (HLLW) generated from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel and are major heat generators, by using extractant impregnated adsorbents. Cs adsorbent using calix arane derivatives showed excellent selectivity for Cs. It also showed significant stability against $$gamma$$-irradiation. Sr adsorbent using crown ether derivatives also showed high selectivity for Sr from nitric acid solution, except for Ba and Tc. Dynamic capacity decreased ca. 30% after $$gamma$$-irradiation. Hot test using genuine HLLW stored in NUCEF was performed for separation of Cs and Sr through columns, respectively. Each Cs and Sr was separated from other typical fission product elements as well as the results obtained in preliminary experiments. Finally, Cs and Sr were separated according to a supposed separation scheme. Although some complexing agents were added in simulate HLLW, no negative effect was found.



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