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Report No.

Computer simulations for internal dosimetry using voxel models

Kinase, Sakae   ; Mohammadi, A.; Takahashi, Masa ; Saito, Kimiaki  ; Zankl, M.*; Kramer, R.*

At the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), several studies have been conducted on the use of voxel models for internal dosimetry. Absorbed fractions (AFs) and S values have been evaluated for preclinical assessments of radiopharmaceuticals using human voxel models and a mouse voxel model. Computational calibration of in vivo measurement system has been also made using Japanese and Caucasian voxel models. In addition, for radiation protection of the environment, AFs have been evaluated using a frog voxel model. Each study has been made by using Monte Carlo simulations. Consequently, it was concluded that these data by Monte Carlo simulations and voxel models could adequately reproduce those by measurements. Voxel models were found to be significant tools for internal dosimetry since the models are anatomically realistic.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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