Application of imaging plate to the radiation protection in the MOX fuel fabrication facility
Sagawa, Naoki; Yamazaki, Takumi
; Kurosawa, Shigeyuki*; Izaki, Kenji
; Mizuniwa, Harumi; Takasaki, Koji

The image analysis method using a imaging plate (IP) is recent technique, and this method can get the information of radioactivity distribution by the unit of Photo Simulated Luminescence (PSL). We have investigated the PSL images obtained by measuring some plutonium samples which are radiation protection samples in order to apply imaging plate to the radiation protection at the MOX fuel facility. Plutonium spots were extracted from the PSL image extracted by the threshold, in which about 99% of the back ground was excluded, and identified by the additional requirement that the spot size is more than 40 pixels. The average background is subtracted from PSL strength of the spot area identified as Pu, and the radioactivity of the Pu spot was evaluated by multiplying the conversion calculation that is in consideration of fading.