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Report No.

Development of system based code, 2; Application of reliability target for configuration of ISI request

Takaya, Shigeru  ; Okajima, Satoshi ; Kurisaka, Kenichi ; Asayama, Tai ; Machida, Hideo*; Kamishima, Yoshio*

The System Based Code (SBC) concept has been proposed to achieve compatibility in matters of reliability, safety, and cost of Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR). Therefore, a quantitative index which can connect different areas is required. In addition, the determination of its target value is also one of the key points to substantiate the SBC concept. We have proposed a new method to determine the reliability targets for the structures and components in FBR plants from the safety point of view by utilizing analysis models of a probabilistic safety assessment. In this study, the effectiveness of the proposed index and the compatibility of the reliability targets derived by the new method were shown through a trial setting of In-Service Inspection request on the reactor vessel near the sodium surface based on the SBC concept.



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