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Prompt $$gamma$$ rays emitted from the neutron capture reaction of $$^{74}$$Ge

Hara, Kaoru; Kin, Tadahiro; Oshima, Masumi; Nakamura, Shoji  ; Kimura, Atsushi   ; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Toh, Yosuke   

We studied a decay scheme in the $$^{74}$$Ge($$n$$,$$gamma$$)$$^{75}$$Ge reaction. It is essential information for accurate determination of the neutron capture cross section of $$^{74}$$Ge with the prompt $$gamma$$-ray detection method, when the cross section is derived by summing all the intensities of ground-state or primary transitions. However, the decay from/to $$^{75}$$Ge-state above 2 MeV is unknown, where the neutron separation energy is 6.5 MeV. The $$gamma$$-$$gamma$$ coincidence experiments were performed at the cold neutron beam line of the Japan Research Reactor of JAEA. The multiple prompt $$gamma$$-rays emitted from the $$^{74}$$Ge($$n$$,$$gamma$$)$$^{75}$$Ge reaction were measured by using a $$gamma$$-ray spectrometer (STELLA) which consists of eight clover-type Ge detectors and BGO Compton-suppressors. Many unknown $$gamma$$-ray transitions, in addition to the known one, were seen in the energy spectrum. The new levels and the new transition $$gamma$$-rays in $$^{75}$$Ge are reported.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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