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Report No.

Self-ordering of silicon polymer thin film grown on indium tin oxide surface investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Mannan, M. A.*; Baba, Yuji  ; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro  ; Shimoyama, Iwao   ; Hirao, Norie; Narita, Ayumi; Nagano, Masamitsu*; Noguchi, Hideyuki*

The ordering and molecular orientation of polydimethylsilane (PDMS) films grown on indium tin oxide (ITO) surface has been assigned. The orientation of the samples as well as that of the annealed sample was studied by Si K-edge near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using linearly polarized synchrotron radiation. The Si K-edge NEXAFS spectra for the thick film have at least four resonance peaks of which two peaks are found to be strongly polarization dependent. On the basis of the polarization dependences of the peak intensities, it is revealed that the backbones of the PDMS films are perpendicularly oriented on the ITO surface. The angle between surface and the Si-Si bonds for multilayered film calculated from the helical structure of PDMS molecule was found to be 41.5 $$^{circ}$$ which was almost coincided with the experimentally obtained angle of 40 $$^{circ}$$. It was concluded that PDMS molecules are highly self-ordered on ITO surface.



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