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Report No.

Influence of O/M ratio on sintering behavior of (U$$_{0.8}$$,Pu$$_{0.2}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$

Takeuchi, Kentaro ; Kato, Masato   ; Sunaoshi, Takeo*

The sintering behavior of MOX pellets was investigated by thermal gravimetry and thermal dilatometry. The starting material was prepared by the microwave direct heating de-nitration method, in which the Pu/(Pu+U) ratio was controlled to 20% in the nitrate solution. The powder was pressed into sample pellets by the die wall lubrication method. The two kind of test, the constant heating rate test and the isochronal heating test, were carried out in various sintering atmospheres of $$P$$$$_{H_2}$$/$$P$$$$_{H_2O}$$ ratio. The results of the constant heating rate test showed that the shrinkage rate and O/M ratio increased with decreasing the $$P$$$$_{H_2}$$/$$P$$$$_{H_2O}$$ ratio. The isochronal heating test was carried out in the O/M range of 1.98 - 2.0005, and the densification behavior of the pellets was analyzed by use of the equation; y = ($$Delta$$$$L$$/$$L$$$$_{0}$$) = $$K$$($$T$$)$$^{n}$$ $$t$$$$^{n}$$. The result showed that the sintering mechanisms varied with the O/M ratio and temperature.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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