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Report No.

Measurement of surface heat flux and surface temperature in nucleate pool boiling using micro-thermocouples

Liu, W.; Takase, Kazuyuki

A measurement system for surface temperature and surface heat flux of a heating block was developed. The system was consisted by two parts: (1) inner temperature were measured by using micro - thermocouples; (2) with using the measured inner temperatures, inverse heat transfer analysis is performed to get surface heat flux and surface temperature. For the inner temperature measurement, special T type micro thermocouples with a common positive pole were developed and were set several micro meter beneath the surface of the heating block. In this research, the developed system was tried being used for measuring the change of surface heat flux and surface temperature in a nucleate pool boiling under atmosphere condition. The decrease of surface temperature and the increase of the surface heat flux with the formation of a big deformed bubble were derived.



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