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Report No.

Photoelectron spectra produced from the irradiation of X-ray free-electron laser light pulses onto non-spherically symmetric targets

Moribayashi, Kengo

We will soon get new X-ray sources, that is, X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) which will be developed in USE, EU, and Japan around 2010. If we can use them well, it will bring useful fruits for the man's future. We predict that these high-intensity short-wavelength X-ray sources provide new physical phenomena and that they give rise to new technologies. In this paper, we show the mechanism of the production of hollow atoms and the behavior of photo-electrons produced by high intensity X-rays irradiating a cluster or a bio-molecule. We have also proposed the X-ray flux by using them.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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