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Report No.

Application of GPU to computational multiphase fluid dynamics

Nagatake, Taku ; Kunugi, Tomoaki*

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) has been developed for drawing system in computer in order to reduce the CPU (Central Processing Unit) load. The GPU has many processing units and the wide memory bandwidth, because the high performance computing is needed in the graphics processing (ex. 3D video game). Nowadays, the performance of GPU become much higher than that of the CPU, so that the attempt to make use of the GPU for the science calculation and general purpose is performed: This attempt is called "GPGPU" (General Purpose GPU). Now we are developing MARS (Multi-interfaces Advection and Reconstruction Solver) with GPU. The MARS is one of the surface volume tracking methods for multi-phase flows. In this paper, the performance of GPU is compared to the CPU.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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