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Report No.

Maintenance of the cooling tower of the JRR-3's secondary cooling system

Fukushima, Manabu; Owada, Minoru; Ota, Kazunori  ; Takeuchi, Masaki; Goto, Shingo; Imahashi, Masaki; Terakado, Yoshibumi

The cooling tower of the JRR-3's secondary cooling system is used to emit the heat from the core into the atmosphere. The appropriate maintenance of the cooling tower has helped the safe and stable reactor operation. Temperature of the secondary coolant had controlled constantly by changing the number of cooling fans. But, just after the number of fans changed, the temperature changed transiently and consequently the reactor thermal power changed. In order to amend this some weakness, the control system has improved to change the speed of fans constantly. The maintenance and improvement activities with the records of inspection are compiled to be utilized for future work.



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