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Report No.

Fission gas release of high burnup MOX and UO$$_{2}$$ fuel irradiated in the HBWR

Nakamura, Jinichi 

High burnup BWR UO$$_{2}$$ and MOX fuel were re-irradiated at HBWR (Halden reactor) to measure the fuel center temperature and rod inner pressure in order to obtain the fuel behavior data such as fission gas release. The fission gas release data of UO$$_{2}$$ fuel suggested that the fuel temperature threshold for fission gas release at high burnup is lower than Vitanza threshold based on low/middle burnup data. The fission gas release of MOX fuel was larger than that of UO$$_{2}$$ fuel. This difference may be attributed to the formation of open porosity of MOX fuel due to the growth and coalescence of fission gas bubbles at higher power than UO$$_{2}$$ fuel during base irradiation.



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