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Incommensurate spin correlations induced by magnetic Fe ions substituted into overdoped Bi$$_{1.75}$$Pb$$_{0.35}$$Sr$$_{1.90}$$CuO$$_{6+z}$$


平賀 晴弘*; 林 陽一郎*; 脇本 秀一  ; 武田 全康  ; 加倉井 和久; 足立 匡*; 小池 洋二*; 山田 幾也*; 宮崎 正範*; 平石 雅俊*; 竹下 聡史*; 幸田 章宏*; 門野 良典*; Tranquada, J. M.*; 山田 和芳*

Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Hayashi, Yoichiro*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Takeda, Masayasu; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Adachi, Tadashi*; Koike, Yoji*; Yamada, Ikuya*; Miyazaki, Masanori*; Hiraishi, Masatoshi*; Takeshita, Soshi*; Koda, Akihiro*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Tranquada, J. M.*; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*

Spin correlations in the overdoped region of Bi$$_{1.75}$$Pb$$_{0.35}$$Sr$$_{1.90}$$CuO$$_{6+z}$$ have been explored with Fe-doped single crystals characterized by neutron scattering, muon-spin-rotation spectroscopy, and magnetic-susceptibility measurements. The incommensurability $$delta$$ is unexpectedly large ($$sim$$0.2 r.l.u.), as compared with the overdoped La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$. However, this large $$delta$$ is close to the hole concentration $$p$$. While our findings in Fe-doped Bi$$_{1.75}$$Pb$$_{0.35}$$Sr$$_{1.90}$$CuO$$_{6+z}$$ support the commonality of incommensurate spin correlations in high-$$T_c$$ cuprate superconductors, they also suggest that the magnetic response might be dominated by a distinct mechanism in the overdoped region.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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