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Report No.

Present state of Monju and its R&D programs

Ohira, Hiroaki; Ichimiya, Masakazu; Mukai, Kazuo; Kitamura, Takafumi

A nuclear fuel cycle technology is expected to supply sufficient energy over a period of long time and to provide a measure of control of CO$$_{2}$$ from the point of view of global warming. JAEA have developed the prototype FBR, Monju, since a fast breeder reactor (FBR) is a key technology of the nuclear fuel cycle. On December 8, 1995, however, the secondary sodium was leaked and the SSTs have been suspended. The Monju operation and the system start-up tests (SSTs) started on this May 6. In this abstract, the outline of Monju and the SSTs are described and the R&D programs applied to a demonstration FBR are also explained.



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