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Report No.

Technical know-how for modeling of geological environment, 1; Overview and groundwater flow modeling

Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Takeuchi, Shinji; Maekawa, Keisuke  ; Osawa, Hideaki  ; Semba, Takeshi 

Evaluation of the impact of uncertainties in the geological environment model is important to identify and prioritize key issues for further investigations. Therefore, a plan for site characterization should be made based on the result of the modeling. In this study, externalization of technical know-how and decision-making processes regarding groundwater flow modeling to be used for the planning of surface-based site characterization has been attempted based on experiences on Underground Research Laboratory project at Mizunami and Horonobe. The groundwater flow modeling is to be used for setting the area for the geological environment modeling, which is equal to an area including the groundwater flow system within the area from recharge area to discharge area, and for characterization of groundwater flow conditions. This report is summarized the detail work and its procedure regarding groundwater flow modeling based on the literature data and decision-making processes of the modeling.



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