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Evaluation of the long-term evolution of the groundwater system in the Mizunami area, Japan


水野 崇   ; Milodowski, A. E.*; 岩月 輝希  

Mizuno, Takashi; Milodowski, A. E.*; Iwatsuki, Teruki

Palaeohydrogeologial study focused on fracture filling calcite distributed in Toki granite suggests that precipitation history of euhedral calcite can be divided into 4 periods (from I to IV in precipitation order). During precipitation period of Generation III calcite, seawater was penetrated into study area extensively. Current local distribution of Na-Cl type groundwater would be formed after the crystallization period of Generation III calcite. This suggests that source of Na-Cl type groundwater may be seawater penetrated between 18 Ma and 15 Ma. Before 1 Ma, major driving force of groundwater would be change of water table related to marine transgression/regression because landform of Tono area was almost flat. After 1Ma, groundwater flow has been controlled by topography due to uplift. The result of this study shows that detail analysis of multilayered calcite can provide a valuable information to evaluate long-term palaeohydrogeological changes of groundwater system.



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