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Report No.

Plasma boundary and first-wall diagnostics in ITER

Pitcher, C. S.*; Andrew, P.*; Barnsley, R.*; Bertalot, L.*; Counsell, G. G.*; Encheva, A.*; Feder, R. E.*; Hatae, Takaki; Johnson, D. W.*; Kim, J.*; Kusama, Yoshinori; Lee, H. G.*; Mukhin, E. E.*; Reichle, R.*; Thomas, D. M.*; Tugarinov, S. N.*; Udintsev, V. S.*; Vasu, P.*; Vayakis, G.*; Walker, C. I.*; Walsh, M. J.*; Yang, Q. W.*; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Zhao, J.*; Zvonkov, A. V.*

ITER plasma boundary and first-wall diagnostics are summarized in terms of their physical implementation and physics motivation. The challenge of extracting diagnostic signals while maintaining nuclear shielding is discussed, as well as the problems associated with high levels of erosion and redeposition.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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