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Report No.

Strategy for the absolute neutron emission measurement on ITER

Sasao, Mamiko*; Bertalot, L.*; Ishikawa, Masao; Popovichev, S.*

Accuracy of 10% is demanded to the absolute fusion measurement on ITER. To achieve this accuracy, a functional combination of several types of neutron measurement sub-system, cross calibration among them, and in-situ calibration, are needed. Neutron transport calculations show that a suitable calibration source is a DT/DD neutron generator of source strength higher than 10$$^{10}$$ n/s for DT and 10$$^{8}$$ n/s for DD. It will take 8 weeks at the minimum with this source to calibrate flux monitors, profile monitors, and the activation system.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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