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Report No.

Protective effects of silybin and analogues against X-ray radiation-induced damage

Fu, H. Y.*; Lin, M.; Katsumura, Yosuke*; Yokoya, Akinari; Hata, Kuniki ; Muroya, Yusa*; Fujii, Kentaro; Shikazono, Naoya

Silybin (SLB) and similar analogues, namely, hesperetin (HESP), naringenin (NAN) and naringin (NAR), are believed to be active constituents of natural flavonoids that have been reported as chemopreventive agents for certain cancers. Moreover, SLB and analogues have been determined to fast repair DNA bases from oxidative damage by pulse radiolysis techniques. The present study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of SLB and analogues on soft X-ray-induced damage to plasmid DNA in vitro. Among the compounds tested, HESP and SLB were the most effective in preventing X-ray-induced formation of DNA single-strand breaks (SSB). A comparison of these results with other experiments showed that the ability of SLB and analogues to inhibit DNA damage in vitro correlated with the ability of the compounds to scavenge free radicals. Our work revealed that natural flavonoids, SLB and analogues may be used as potent protectors against radiation damage.



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Category:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology



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