Anomalous metallic state in the vicinity of metal to valence-bond solid insulator transition in LiVS
片山 尚幸*; 内田 正哉*; 橋爪 大輔*; 新高 誠司*; 松野 丈夫*; 松村 大樹 ; 西畑 保雄; 水木 純一郎; 竹下 直*; Gauzzi, A.*; 野原 実*; 高木 英典*
Katayama, Naoyuki*; Uchida, Masaya*; Hashizume, Daisuke*; Niitaka, Seiji*; Matsuno, Jobu*; Matsumura, Daiju; Nishihata, Yasuo; Mizuki, Junichiro; Takeshita, Nao*; Gauzzi, A.*; Nohara, Minoru*; Takagi, Hidenori*
We investigate LiVS and LiVSe with a triangular lattice as itinerant analogues of LiVO known for the formation of a valence-bond solid (VBS) state out of an S = 1 frustrated magnet. LiVS, which is located at the border between a metal and a correlated insulator, shows a first order transition from a paramagnetic metal to a VBS insulator at T 305 K upon cooling. The presence of a VBS state in the close vicinity of insulator-metal transition may suggest the importance of itinerancy in the formation of a VBS state. We argue that the high temperature metallic phase of LiVS has a pseudogap, likely originating from the VBS fluctuation. LiVSe was found to be a paramagnetic metal down to 2 K.