※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

ふげん発電所の機器撤去に掛かる人工数評価モデルの検討,1; 第3・4給水加熱器室の機器撤去の解体工程

Study on applicability of evaluation model of manpower needs for dismantling of equipments in FUGEN, 1; Dismantling process in 3rd/4th feedwater heater room

芝原 雄司; 立花 光夫; 石神 努; 泉 正憲 ; 南光 隆

Shibahara, Yuji; Tachibana, Mitsuo; Ishigami, Tsutomu; Izumi, Masanori; Nanko, Takashi


Manpower needs for the dismantling process in FUGEN 3rd/4th feedwater heater room was calculated with the evaluation system (PRODIA Code), and it was inspected whether the conventional evaluation model had applicability for FUGEN or not. It was confirmed that the conventional evaluation model for feedwater heater had no applicability. In comparison of the calculated value with the actual data, we found two difference: (1) the evaluated manpower were significantly larger than the actual data, (2) the manpower need for the dismantling of 3rd feedwater heater was twice larger than that of 4th feedwater heater, though these equipments were almost same weight. It was found that these were brought (1) by the difference in the work descriptions of dismantling between JPDR and FUGEN, and (2) by that in the cutting number between 3rd feedwater heater and 4th one. The manpower needs for the dismantling of both feedwater heaters were calculated with a new calculation equation reflecting the descriptions of dismantling, and it was found that these results showed the good agreement with the actual data.



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