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Report No.

Development of simplified pelletizing process for fast reactor MOX fuels, 2; Plutonium examination about developments of improving fluidity of the powder for MOX fuels an annual report in fiscal 2009

Kato, Yoshiyuki ; Kimura, Yuichi; Kawasaki, Satoshi*; Kurita, Tsutomu ; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu

The examination concerning the liquidity improvement of the MOX powder was done by using easy equipment on the scale of 300g/batch until 2006. 300g/batch scale equipment was destroyed, and the maintenance made the test equipment of 600g/Batch was done until 2008. Small-scale test equipment began in 2009 the trial run, and began the plutonium examination in the latter half. The best granulation condition that was able to be improved to the powder fluidity that met MOX powdery specification was able to be found from the result of these examinations.



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