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Report No.

Status of JAEA-AMS-MUTSU at 2009-2010

Tanaka, Takayuki; Kabuto, Shoji; Kinoshita, Naoki; Suzuki, Takashi  ; Kuwabara, Jun ; Seki, Takeo

An accelerator mass spectrometry at Aomori Research and Development Center, JAEA (JAEA-AMS-MUTSU) was established in 1997 and the routine operation of $$^{14}$$C and $$^{129}$$I measurement was started from 1999 and 2003, respectively. This AMS has adopted the open door policy for the general users from the fiscal year of 2006 and various researches have been in progress by many users. In this presentation, we introduce the status of JAEA-AMS-MUTSU in the fiscal year of 2009. The $$^{14}$$C and $$^{129}$$I were measured by 480 and 677 samples in the fiscal year of 2009, respectively. The total number of measurements has decreased by 716 samples from that of the fiscal year of 2008. The reasons for this decrease were that we had stopped the operation of AMS for about one and half months because the operation system of AMS was upgraded, and that we could not measure the $$^{14}$$C for several months because the amplifier of detector had broken. We had resolved this trouble and our AMS can measure smoothly both $$^{14}$$C and $$^{129}$$I.



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