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 年 ~ 

Sodium experiments of buoyancy-driven penetration flow into low-power subassemblies in a sodium-cooled fast reactor during natural circulation decay heat removal


上出 英樹 ; 小林 順 ; 林 謙二

Kamide, Hideki; Kobayashi, Jun; Hayashi, Kenji


Natural circulation has a significant role in the decay heat removal function of a sodium cooled reactor. The dipped heat exchanger (DHX) immersed in a reactor upper plenum provides cold sodium in the upper plenum during the decay heat removal operation. This cold sodium covers the top of the core under the natural circulation. Sodium experiments were carried out to find onset condition and penetration depth of such partial reverse flow driven by buoyancy force. A blanket subassembly and the upper plenum were modeled in the test section including an axial upper neutron shielding of the subassembly. The experimental parameters were temperature difference between hot upward flow in the channel and cold fluid in the upper plenum and flow velocity in the channel. The onset conditions of the penetration flow were correlated with Gr and Re numbers as well as basic water experiments. The observed penetration depths were limited in the upper axial neutron shielding of the subassembly.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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