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 年 ~ 

HTGR for flexible energy production


Yan, X. ; 佐藤 博之  ; 橘 幸男 

Yan, X.; Sato, Hiroyuki; Tachibana, Yukio


This paper describes the design of a modular HTGR system cogenerating electricity and hydrogen and discusses the operational feasibility of the system to load follow with the use of a newly proposed control scheme. The system generates electric power by direct cycle gas turbine and hydrogen by a reactor-heated thermochemical process. The reactor heat is transferred to hydrogen plant through a closed heat transport loop. The electricity generated primarily supplies external grid output while meeting power consumption in the reactor and hydrogen plants. For optimum plant economics, the reactor operates in full thermal power at all time and enables electric load follow by varying hydrogen cogeneration rate. The rapid load follow is permitted by the control scheme that adjusts reactor coolant inventory while keeping key reactor plant temperatures constant.



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