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Report No.

Statistical compilation on meteorological observation in Horonobe from 1986 to 2009

Yamamoto, Yoichi; Maekawa, Keisuke  

Horonobe Underground Research Center has carried out meteorological observation in Horonobe-cho as a part of the Horonobe URL project. Meteorological observation in Horonobe-cho was started at Kaishin meteorological station on October 1986, and then Toikanbetsu meteorological station, Kamitoikan meteorological station, Horonobe downtown meteorological station, Hokushin meteorological station and Hokushin evapotranspiration tower were established sequentially, meteorological observations were conducted at a total of 6 points in the end. The meteorological observation data in Horonobe-cho from 1986 to 2009 is compiled in this report. Meteorological characteristics of Horonobe-cho are investigated using statistics data. Hourly data, daily data and monthly data are included in the data set, and the data set is recorded on CD-ROM.



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