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Report No.

Development of a photocathode DC electron-gun for next-generation light-sources

Nagai, Ryoji; Hajima, Ryoichi; Nishimori, Nobuyuki; Muto, Toshiya*; Yamamoto, Masahiro*; Honda, Yosuke*; Miyajima, Tsukasa*; Kuriki, Masao*; Iijima, Hokuto*; Kuwahara, Makoto*; Okumi, Shoji*; Nakanishi, Tsutomu*

A 500-kV, 10-mA photocathode DC gun which is designed for next-generation light-sources based on energy-recovery linac has been developed in a collaboration effort of JAEA, KEK, Hiroshima University and Nagoya University. We have utilized a segmented cylindrical ceramic insulator and guard-ring electrodes to prevent any damage to the insulator from electrons emitted by the support-rod electrode. The 500-kV gun was successfully conditioned up to a voltage of 550 kV and a long-time holding test for 8 h was demonstrated at an acceleration voltage of 500 kV. The 500-kV gun consists of a Cockcroft-Walton generator, a segmented cylindrical ceramic insulator, guard-ring electrodes, a support-rod electrode, a vacuum chamber, and a pressurized insulating gas tank. The cathode electrode, anode electrode, and beam line apparatuses are now under fabrication and beam tests of the gun will be started soon.



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