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Report No.

Current status and perspective of neutron polarizing device development and application in neutron scattering experiments in Japan

Oku, Takayuki   ; Kira, Hiroshi; Sakaguchi, Yoshifumi; Sakai, Kenji ; Suzuki, Junichi; Nakamura, Mitsutaka   ; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Koizumi, Satoshi; Takata, Shinichi  ; Aizawa, Kazuya  ; Kamiyama, Takashi; Endo, Yasuo; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Arai, Masatoshi; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Arimoto, Yasushi*; Ino, Takashi*; Shimizu, Hirohiko*; Tsutsumi, Kenji*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Oyama, Kenji*; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Chang, L.-J.

Material and Life science experimental facility (MLF) of J-PARC center have started user program in which experiments using pulsed neutron beam are available from December 2008. The source power of the pulsed spallation neutron source JSNS is gradually increasing and now reached 120 KW, where its final goal is 1 MW. With increasing the neutron source power, the number of user programs is also increasing. In this situation, a 5-years project, which aims at higher efficient utilization of neutrons in neutron scattering research, have started since 2008 in Japan. Six Japanese institutes join this project, and neutron optical devices including $$^{3}$$He spin filters, neutron imaging device and neutron scattering method are being developed. In this paper, we report the current status of optical devices development and application and future perspective in Japan.



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