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Report No.

Elastic-plastic connection model describing dynamic interactions of component connections

Nishida, Akemi  ; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kondo, Makoto; Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*

The objective of this research is to contribute to the seismic design evaluation of nuclear facilities through the construction of a numerical evaluation system which is able to evaluate both global and local behaviors of facilities under severe seismic events. As one of the technology components to realize this objective, we are developing a physical model describing the dynamic interaction characteristics of component connections, called as the elastic-plastic connection model. We focused on the joints of the support structures of the component and the building in nuclear plants which generally designed as fixed/pinned boundaries, and tried to consider their dynamic interaction effects. In this paper, we show the proposal of the elastic-plastic connection model and the application of the model to a numerical simulation using a real plant data. The precision of the model was optimized by adjusting its parameters using the data obtained in the experiment.



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