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Report No.

Free volume in Zr-based bulk glassy alloys studied by positron annihilation techniques

Ishii, Akito*; Iwase, Akihiro*; Yokoyama, Yoshihiko*; Konno, Toyohiko*; Kawasuso, Atsuo; Yabuuchi, Atsushi; Maekawa, Masaki; Hori, Fuminobu*

To reveal the relationship between mechanical properties and microscopic structure of Zr-based amorphous metals, we performed positron annihilation measurements on specimens with different Zr contents. Although the positron lifetimes were nearly the same for all the specimens, the Doppler broadening of annihilation radiation spectra were significantly different for the specimens at and above the eutectic point. This indicates that both the structure and composition of free volumes depend on the Zr-content.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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