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Report No.

Verification of LSD spikes prepared in Japan from a MOX source material

Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio ; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Kurosawa, Akira; Yamamoto, Masahiko   ; Mason, P.*; Neuhoff, J.*; Doubek, N.*; Balsley, S.*; Verbruggen, A.*; Richter, S.*; Jakopi$v{c}$, R.*; Zuleger, E.*; Van-Belle, P.*

Large Size Dried (LSD) spikes are currently used in many facilities in Japan (and around the world) for U and Pu accountancy analysis by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS). Because of the large quantity of plutonium standard materials are needed to support Japanese facilities for nuclear fuel cycle and expected difficulties in the long term supply and transport of Pu reference materials, JAEA decided to evaluate the possibility of using MOX stored at Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) as a source of Pu standard material for LSD spike preparation. At PFDC, Pu nitrate solution was prepared from MOX and two types of the LSD spikes were prepared. The samples of each spike were distributed for verification measurements to international and domestic laboratories. Details of the Pu make-up value evaluation, the LSD spike preparation and the evaluation of the verification results will be presented.



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