※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Restart and system start-up test of Monju

向 和夫

Mukai, Kazuo


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) develops FBR and related fuel cycle systems in Japan, and Monju, a 280 MWe prototype of sodium cooled fast breeder reactor, is the key plant of FBR's development. Monju restarted on May 6 after 14 year and 5 month-suspension since December 1995 when sodium coolant leaked from a temperature sensor in the secondary system piping. After the sodium coolant leakage, a thorough investigation of the cause and a study of preventive measures were carried out, and plant modification, the modified system function test and the entire system function Test including refuelling were conducted. JAEA fixed start-up agreements with local governments, and consequently on May 6 this year, Monju restarted and attained the criticality on May 8. Monju System Startup Test (SST) begun on May 6 will be continued for three years. At the first Core Confirmation Test at zero power was carried out until the end of July.



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