※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of an analytic tool to evaluate uncertainty of deterministic fault model distribution

栗原 新; 松岡 稔幸; 鶴田 忠彦  ; Martin, A.*

Kurihara, Arata; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Martin, A.*


In this presentation, we will report the development progress of an analytic tool to evaluate uncertainty of deterministic fault distribution for geological model, belong to the site descriptive model constructed into ISIS under support from Information Synthesis Interpretation System (ISIS; based on research and development commissioned by Agency for Natural Resources and Energy). It is important for understanding distribution of geological features to evaluate and decrease uncertainty into the geological model. Therefore, on the aim of building an expert system with systematic procedures and know-how for geological modeling and model assessment, we developed this tool can calculate an existence probability of faults and geological information contributed to modeling for numerical parameters.



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