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Safety design evaluation of a large-scale sodium-cooled fast reactor

山野 秀将   ; 久保 重信* ; 島川 佳郎*

Yamano, Hidemasa; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Shimakawa, Yoshio*


A conceptual design study and related R&D for a large-scale sodium-cooled fast reactor (JSFR) are carried out in the framework of fast reactor cycle technology development project. As a next generation plant, JSFR adopts a number of innovative technologies in order to achieve economic competitiveness, enhanced reliability and safety. This paper describes the safety requirements for JSFR conformed to the defense-in-depth principle in IAEA. Specific design features of JSFR are passive shutdown system and re-criticality free concept against anticipated transient without scram accident in beyond design-based events. Safety analyses were also performed for representative design-based events: control rods withdrawal, primary pump seizure and loss-of-offsite power accidents. All analytical results showed to meet tentative safety criteria with expected reactor trip signals.



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