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Report No.

Design of purification loop and traps for the IFMIF/EVEDA Li test loop; Design of cold trap

Kondo, Hiroo; Furukawa, Tomohiro  ; Hirakawa, Yasushi ; Iuchi, Hiroshi; Ida, Mizuho; Yagi, Juro*; Suzuki, Akihiro*; Fukada, Satoshi*; Matsushita, Izuru*; Nakamura, Kazuyuki 

Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (EVEDA) for The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) were started from July 2007 under an international agreement called ITER Broader Approach. As a major Japanese activity, EVEDA Li test loop (ELTL) to simulate hydraulic and impurity conditions of IFMIF has already designed and is under construction, in which feasibility of hydraulic stability of the liquid Li target, the purification systems of hot traps are major key issues to be validated in this loop. This paper focuses on the purification systems of the ELTL. Design of a cold trap and hot traps are discussed in this paper.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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