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Report No.

Anchoring of alkyl chain molecules on oxide surface using silicon alkoxide

Narita, Ayumi; Baba, Yuji  ; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro  ; Shimoyama, Iwao   ; Hirao, Norie; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

In order to apply the organic thin films to electric and optical devices, the immobilization of organic molecules on inorganic substrate is essential. Considering optical devices, it is important to immobilize organic molecules on oxide surfaces, because many of oxides have insulating and transparent properties. In this study, we have investigated the chemical states of the interface between organic molecules with silicon alkoxide and sapphire surfaces by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and near edge absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). Octadecyl-triethoxy-silane (ODTS) molecules which are terminated by silicon alkoxide were adsorbed on sapphire surfaces. On the basis of the Si 1s XPS spectra for monolayer, it is supposed that the chemical bond between silicon alkoxide and the surface is formed. For Si K-edge NEXAFS spectra, the polarization dependence was observed, which suggests that the Si-O bond in ODTS was located perpendicular to the surface.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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