原子力施設の廃止措置とは何か,6; 廃止措置に必要な技術
What is decommissioning of nuclear facilities?; Technology necessary for decommissioning
柳原 敏
Yanagihara, Satoshi
Decommissioning work is conducted by using various technologies. In the decommissioning process, it should be necessary to consider safety of public and workers from radiological and industrial aspects, and that lowing environmental burden by minimizing radioactive waste arising as well as optimizing decommissioning costs by rational implementation of the practices. The technology necessary for decommissioning are roughly grouped into the areas such as facility characterization, dismantling, decontamination, radioactive waste treatment/disposal. In addition, project management including decommissioning planning where project parameters are evaluated in terms of resource, costs, schedule, risk, etc. This article will describe the technologies mentioned above briefly.