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Report No.

Estimation of crack tensor for evaluating excavation disturbance of research gallery at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Matsui, Hiroya ; Tanno, Takeo; Hirano, Toru*; Goke, Mitsuo*; Kumasaka, Hiroo*; Tada, Hiroyuki*; Ishii, Takashi*

The results are as follows (1) For the ventilation shaft at GL-350m, the crack tensor deformation analysis based on FY2004 work's results showed the calculated displacement was smaller than the measured displacement. A geometrical parameters of fractures in FY2004 work's result was different from one based on geological observation in the shaft. Therefore, the crack tensor of FY2004 work's results seems to be underestimated. (2) Large discontinuities with NE strike and high dipping observed in a shaft were major reason for the difference of crack tensors determined by borehole investigation from surface and geological observations in a shaft. Therefore, the crack tensor for pilot borehole investigation in a shaft was calculated as well and compared with each results. It was found that the fabric tensor is similar with it of geological observation and the vale was medium. (3) The crack tensor around GL-500m was estimated by relation of statistical quantities for fractures between GL-300m and GL-500m. Consequently, the deformation analysis based on the estimated crack tensor showed an increase in convergence and stress in the support system compared to FY2004 work's results.



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