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Development of the PARASOL code and full particle simulation of tokamak plasma with an open-field SOL-divertor region using PARASOL


滝塚 知典

Takizuka, Tomonori


In order to investigate the particle and heat control with divertor system of fusion reactors, numerical simulations have been widely carried out. Fluid codes require further improvement of physics modeling for edge plasmas. The full particle simulation is powerful to study fundamental physics of open-field SOL-divertor plasmas as well as of the whole tokamak plasma including SOL-divertor region. PARASOL code with PIC method and binary collision model has been developed in JAERI and JAEA. Simulations with PARASOL code have been carried out for the above purpose. The one-dimensional (1D) version of PARASOL was applied to investigate the Bohm criterion, the supersonic flow, the SOL heat conduction, and so on. The ELM heat propagation was studied with the 1D-dynamic PARASOL. The two-dimensional version of PARASOL for the whole tokamak plasma with SOL-divertor region was useful to simulate the SOL flow pattern, the electric field formation etc. Based on PARASOL simulation results, physics modeling for the fluid simulation has been developed.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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