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Report No.

Development of separation process for transuranium elements and some fission products using new extractants and adsorbents

Morita, Yasuji  ; Kimura, Takaumi 

Separation process for transuranium elements (TRU=Am, Cm, Np and Pu) and some fission products (Sr, Cs and Mo) has been developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency using new innovative extractants and adsorbents to improve the partitioning process from viewpoints of the economy and the reduction of secondary wastes. Phosphorus-free compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen (CHON principle) were applied to the separation steps for TRU, Cs and Sr by using solvent extraction or extraction chromatography. Mo is separated by adsorption with an iron oxide adsorbent. This paper gives results of the research and development of the separation process.



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