ナトリウム冷却大型炉に適合する破損燃料位置検出器の開発; スリット部のサンプリング手法開発
Development of failed fuel detection and location system in sodium-cooled large reactors; Sampling method of failed fuels under the slit
相澤 康介 ; 藤田 薫 ; 上出 英樹 ; 笠原 直人
Aizawa, Kosuke; Fujita, Kaoru; Kamide, Hideki; Kasahara, Naoto
A conceptual design study of Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) is in progress as an issue of the "Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT)" project in Japan. JSFR adopts a Selector-Valve mechanism for a failed fuel detection and location (FFDL) system. The Selector-Valve FFDL system identifies failed fuel subassemblies by sampling sodium from each fuel subassembly outlet and detecting fission product. One of the JSFR design features is employing an upper internal structure (UIS) with a radial slit, in which an arm of fuel handling machine can move and access the fuel assemblies under the UIS. Thus, JSFR cannot place sampling nozzles right above the fuel subassemblies located under the slit. In this study, appropriate sampling method for indentifying under-slit failed fuel subassemblies has been developed by water experiments.