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MONJU system start-up test and future aspect

Deshimaru, Takehide

In Tsuruga Summer Institute on Nuclear Energy 2010, the restart, system start-up test(SST) of MONJU and it's use for the research and development of fast breeder reactor system. Monju restarted on May 6 in 2010 after 14 years and 5 month shutdown and the core confirmation test, the first step of SST, was competed on schedule's consists of three steps: Core Confirmation Test, 40%-output Confirmation Test, and Power Rising Test. After finishing these steps, the full power operation will start. Based on the experiences of SST and the full power operation, there are several R&D plans: validation of the reliability of the power generating plant's operational safety, establishment of sodium handling technology. The plans include the validations of codes concerning of core analysis or thermo-hydraulic analysis, the developing in-service inspection devices and etc.



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