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Report No.

Numerical analysis on thermal-hydraulics of supercritical water flowing in a tight-lattice fuel bundle

Nakatsuka, Toru  ; Misawa, Takeharu; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki

To evaluate thermal hydraulic characteristics of a tight-lattice fuel bundle of supercritical water reactor (Super Fast Reactor), a simplified 19-rod fuel assembly was analyzed with a three-dimensional two-fluid model analysis code ACE-3D. In this calculation, a one-twelfth model is adopted as the computational domain taking advantage of symmetry. As the boundary conditions, mass velocity, inlet enthalpy and power distribution are to be the same as the steady state condition of the reactor. Cross-sectional local power distribution in the fuel assembly is set to be flat. Effect of grid spacers is taken into account in the analysis. Maximum clad surface temperature (MCST) is observed at the position facing to the narrowest gap on the center rod near the outlet and the value is 628$$^{circ}$$C that is almost the same as results without grid spacers. The predicted MCST satisfies a thermal design criteria to ensure fuel and cladding integrity: the MCST should be less than 650$$^{circ}$$C.



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