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Report No.

Compensation of higher order dispersion on idler pulse compression scheme, 1; Phase measurement of interacting pulses on OPA

Akahane, Yutaka; Tomita, Hitoshi*; Ogawa, Kanade; Nishioka, Hajime*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Spectral phases of interacting (signal, idler, pump) pulses on optical-parametric amplification process were measured, aimed for compensating higher order dispersion on compressed idler pulses by phase modulation on pump pulses in optical-parametric chirped-pulse amplification. An wide-time-range spectral-shearing interferometry developed very recently was applied to these phase measurement, which is capable for measuring picosecond chirped pulses unsuitable for SPIDER phase measurement formerly. In the measurement, some variations of spectral dispersions on idler pulses caused by phase modulation on pump pulses were observed, which enables us to control spectral dispersions of idler pulse by manipulating spectral phases of pump pulses.



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