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Collaboration on R&D management with JAEA and the R&D small and medium-size enterprise with the worldwide market

根本 正博; 呉田 昌俊   ; 美留町 厚; 下平 武*; 下平 克彦*

Nemoto, Masahiro; Kureta, Masatoshi; Birumachi, Atsushi; Shimodaira, Takeshi*; Shimodaira, Katsuhiko*


JAEA had been improving and developing of X-ray sulfur meter using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis method, with TANAKA scientific Ltd. which is a manufacturer of scientific instrument for petroleum qualification measurement. In spite of weak and noisy X-ray signal due to aiming at measurement of very low density of sulfur in petroleum, they were successfully merchandizing the X-ray sulfur meter. By investigation on the R&D management in each organization, it was found that the key person of each organization carried out each R&D management under the steady and close cooperation, in which JAEA researchers belonged to two divisions collaborated closely. In addition, being very similar to the system integration model of the innovation, was found as a result of modeling with respect to R&D management in the merchandizing development process.



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