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Report No.

An Investigation on five different iodides for iodine transmutation target materials in fast reactor

Tachi, Yoshiaki  ; Wakabayashi, Toshio*

For reducing the environmental burden and toxic risk of high-level radioactive wastes, it is one of the effective techniques to transmute iodine-129 by fast reactors. Since iodine has corrosive properties, the chemical form of the iodine-bearing transmutation target material loaded into the FR is one of the important issues. In this study, from the viewpoints of melting point and neutron irradiation properties, the following five iodides were selected as the candidate materials from all binary iodides: CuI, MgI$$_{2}$$, YI$$_{3}$$, RbI and BaI$$_{2}$$. In order to clarify their applicability as a transmutation target, TG-DTA (Thermogravimetry - Differential Thermal Analysis) of the iodides and compatibility of the iodides with the stainless-steel cladding materials were tested. From the results of them, BaI$$_{2}$$ is preferable as a transmutation target material.



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