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 年 ~ 

Impact of toroidal rotation and safety factor on ion turbulent transport in tokamaks


井戸村 泰宏   ; Jolliet, S.; 吉田 麻衣子; 浦野 創

Idomura, Yasuhiro; Jolliet, S.; Yoshida, Maiko; Urano, Hajime


An impact of the toroidal rotation and the safety factor q on the ion temperature gradient driven (ITG) turbulence is studied using a global gyrokinetic toroidal full-f five dimensional Euleriancode GT5D. In the rotation scan numerical experiments, the radial electric field Er profile is changed depending on the toroidal rotation. Although local transport levels are affected by the Er profile, global transport properties are not changed, when the magnitudes of its shearing rate are in similar levels on average. In the q scan numerical experiments, turbulent transport is significantly enhanced at higher q. It is found that the stabilizing effect of Er shear on liner ITG modes becomes less effective at higher q. Both the ion heat transport and the non-diffusive momentum transport are enhanced. The former leads to lower ion temperature gradient, while the latter produces larger inward momentum flux and co-current spontaneous rotation in the plasma core.



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