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Report No.

Development of insulation technology for ITER TF coils

Hemmi, Tsutomu; Matsui, Kunihiro; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Takano, Katsutoshi; Nakajima, Hideo

Insulations for the ITER TF coils are required withstanding against a designed neutron fluence of 10$$^{22}$$ n/m$$^{2}$$. As a candidate for resin, Cyanate Ester (CE) and epoxy blended resin, which has sufficiently high radiation hardness, will be applied for the TF coils instead of epoxy resins. JAEA is performing the some trials for the insulation and impregnation using the CE blended resin to optimize the insulation work. In this report, impregnation trials simulating the simultaneous impregnation of the conductor insulation and the Double Pancake (DP) insulation and fabrication of the bonded Glass and Polyimide tape are reported.



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